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(1 edit)

really cool puzzles and gimmick but for me the puzzles are way too hard (this is just me i know i have a skill issue)

So cool, I love the way way you did the puzzles made my mind itch also the music was awesome!!!

I would absolutely love see this game expanded post-jam.


We plan to, actually! We're unsure if we'll end up being able to pull it off, but in terms of planning we already have ideas ;)

Well I believe in you :)


This game made me so emotional if it isn't featured in the GMTK video its rigged very well made game tens across the board

This a well thought out puzzle game. I loved the overall vibe. Do checkout our puzzle game entry as well

I love the use of Egyptian afterlife and the art and puzzles are very fun, I love puzzle games already so that's already a plus. the music is very nostalgic, maybe it already reminds me of some rpg games I've played and that's why? but still that's very fitting for the theming. very good!


(not a big fan of puzzles but this time i enjoyed these :D!)

Love it